- FondsCP5/1-CP318 - Catherine Perlès. Préhistoire et technologie
- SeriesCP40-CP41, CP42/1-CP42/2, CP43-CP49, CP55-CP101, CP120-CP122, CP130-CP140, CP150-CP155, CP165-CP167, CP170/1-170/14 - Préparation de publications
- SubseriesCP55-CP101 - Articles et ouvrages collectifs
- 39 more...
- FileCP94 - From the Near East to Greece : let's reverse the focus. Cultural elements that didn't transfer
- FileCP95 - Une marge qui n'en est pas une : le néolithique ancien de la Grèce
- FileCP96 - Is the Dryas the culprit ? Socio-economic changes during the final pleistocene and early holocene at Franchthi cave (Greece)
- FileCP97 - "Neolithic Anatolia as seen from the West"
- FileCP98 - "Modern reference collections of Columbella rustica from Greece"
- FileCP99 - Early holocene climatic fluctuations and human responses in Greece
- FileCP100 - La technologie lithique de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique
- FileCP101 - The flaked stone assemblages