Identity area
Reference code
- 1990-2002 (Accumulation)
- 1933-2002 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
10,71 m.l. (25 unités matérielles)
Context area
Name of creator
Administrative history
La Mission archéologique franco-syrienne de Khirbet el Umbashi (Syrie) a été dirigée par Frank Braemer, directeur de recherche au CNRS, membre de l'UPR 7541, ERA n°20 du CRA de 1989 à 1992 puis directeur adjoint du Centre de recherches archéologiques (Valbonne) entre 1993 et 1997.
Les résultats des fouilles ont été publiés en 2004 :
BRAEMER Frank, Jean-Claude ÉCHALLIER, Ahmad TARAQJI dir., "Khirbet al Umbashi. Villages et campements de pasteurs dans le "désert noir" (Syrie) à l'âge du Bronze. Travaux de la mission conjointe franco-syrienne 1991-1996", Beyrouth, Institut Français du Proche-Orient, 2004.
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
Script of material
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Finding aids
Generated finding aid
Allied materials area
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
Notes area
La liste des cotes des diapositives a été réduite dans le champ Identifiant (FB120/1/1-FB132) en raison du nombre de caractères accepté dans ce champ. La liste complète est :
FB120/1/1-FB120/1/16, FB120/1/18-FB120/1/20, FB120/2/21-FB120/2/28, FB120/2/31, FB120/2/33, FB120/2/37-FB120/2/38, FB120/3/41-FB120/3/60, FB120/4/61-FB120/4/80, FB120/5/81-FB120/5/100, FB120/6/101-FB120/6/120, FB120/7/122-FB120/7/141, FB120/8/142-FB120/8/161, FB120/9/162-FB120/9/180, FB120/10/181-FB120/10/200, FB120/11/201-FB120/11/220, FB120/12/221-FB120/12/240, FB120/13/241-FB120/13/244, FB120/13/247-FB120/13/260, FB120/14/261-FB120/14/281, FB120/15/282-FB120/15/301, FB120/16/301-FB120/16/320, FB120/17/321-FB120/17/340, FB120/18/1-FB120/18/8, FB121/1/341-FB121/1/360, FB121/2/361-FB121/2/381, FB121/3/382-FB121/3/383, FB121/3/385-FB121/3/400, FB121/4/401-FB121/4/420, FB121/5/421-FB121/5/441, FB121/6/442-FB121/6/460, FB121/7/461-FB121/7/481, FB121/8/482-FB121/8/500, FB121/9/501-FB121/9/511, FB122/1/512-FB122/1/531, FB122/2/532-FB122/2/551, FB122/3/552-FB122/3/571, FB122/4/572-FB122/4/591, FB122/5/592-FB122/5/611, FB122/6/612-FB122/6/631, FB122/7/632-FB122/7/642, FB122/7/644-FB122/7/659, FB122/8/660-FB122/8/671, FB122/9/672-FB122/9/691, FB122/10/692-FB122/10/711, FB122/11/712-FB122/11/731, FB122/12/732-FB122/12/751, FB122/13/752-FB122/13/771, FB122/14/772-FB122/14/784, FB122/14/786-FB122/14/791, FB122/15/792-FB122/15/811, FB122/16/812-FB122/16/820, FB122/17/821-FB122/17/894, FB123/1/895-FB123/947, FB123/2, FB125/948-FB125/984, FB126/985-FB126/1018, FB127/1-FB127/21, FB128/1-FB128/5 , FB129/1-FB129/30, FB130/1-FB130/18, FB131/1-FB131/3, FB132