- FondsSC10/1-SC357 - Serge Cleuziou. Du village à l'Etat au Proche- et Moyen-Orient
- SeriesSC305/1-SC305/3, SC306/1-SC306/8, SC307, SC317/1-SC317/5, SC318/1-SC318/26, SC319/1-SC319/3, SC320/1-SC320/11, SC321/1-SC321/6, SC322/1-SC322/6, SC323/1-SC323/3, SC324/1-SC324/4, SC325/1-SC325/2 - Préparation de publications
- SubseriesSC317/1-SC317/5, SC318/1-SC318/26, SC319/1-SC319/3, SC320/1-SC320/11, SC321/1-SC321/6 - Archéologie de l'Arabie
- SC318/1-SC318/26 - Articles de synthèse
- FileSC318/1 - Premiers éléments sur l'agriculture protohistorique de l'Arabie orientale
- FileSC318/2 - Oman peninsula in the early second millenium BC
- FileSC318/3 - Umm an-Nar Burial Customs, New evidence from Tomb A at Hili North
- FileSC318/4 - Oman Peninsula and its relations eastwards during third millenium BC
- FileSC318/5 - Tomb A at Hili North (United Arab Emirates) and its material connections to Southeast Iran and the Greater Indus Valley
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